Dionaea muscipula, (Venus Flytrap)
Dionaea muscipula, (Venus Flytrap)
A Venus Flytrap is perhaps the most well known carnivorous plant of all. It develops numerous snap traps that attract, catch, and digest insects. As the name suggests, it is a notorious fly catcher. Just leave them outside during the summer, they will continuously catch flies for you! The fun fact is that this plant is actually native to North Carolina, USA, and is a perennial plant. As it gets towards the winter, the growth will slow down. It will appear dead as all the leaves will eventually turn black. But the roots are alive with energy stored in them to come back in the spring. It requires a cold dormancy. It is recommended to store it in the unheated basement or in the refrigerator during the cold months. Please refer to the care sheet, "How To Grow A Healthy Venus Flytrap".