Pinguicula esseriana
Pinguicula esseriana
Pinguicula aka butterwort is a carnivorous plant. The leaves are covered with microscopic glands that secrete mucilage that attract, capture and digest insects. P. esseriana is a mexican butterwort species. It is smaller in size comparing to other species, but is known for the beautiful Fibonacci pattern of the leaves. It is also very prolific. When you touch the plant, the leaves may fall apart. Each leaf will eventually form an individual plant. The compact size and the beauty of this plant make an ideal plant for your “Ping Rock”. A Ping Rock is a porous rock, typically a lava rock, which mimics the natural habitat of Pinguicula, and is becoming a very popular Pinguicula display among growers.
Like other Mexican Pinguicula, P. esseriana should be grown under the tropical condition. A sunny southern facing windowsills or under T5 fluorescent lamp would be sufficient for it to grow happily. Mexican Pinguicula in general go through a dry season and a wet season as it should in the wild. During the wet season, it generates wider and sticky carnivorous leaves and is a notorious fungus gnat catcher! It is inevitable to occasionally experience fungus gnat infestations if you have a houseplant or two. Place a Pinguicula next to the infested pot. It is so efficient in catching these insects that it will be covered with fungus gnats in no time! When it's time for a dry season, it starts generating thicker but narrower non-carnivorous leaves that almost look like succulent leaves. When that happens, keep it dry. It blooms profusely throughout the year regardless the wet/dry seasons. Always use distilled water or rain water because carnivorous plants in general do not like minerals and too much nutrients in the water. Do not fertilize the soil for the same reason.
Care sheet is available at the courtesy of the NECPS here.